milking shed

Related to milking shed: Milking machines

milking shed

(Agriculture) a building in which a herd of cows is milked. Compare parlour6
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The intention is that the smaller scale structure will resemble a barn or milking shed and the larger scale of house will be identified as the 'main house'."
As we quietly walked to the milking shed, the thief sneaked into my house and hid under my bed.
Farmer's wife Primrose Dunbar showed the group around the milking shed, with their visit featuring in the May 20 Advertiser of that year.
All equipment and the milking shed are disinfected after each milking, of which there are two a day.
You can build a simple shelter and milking shed for several animals for about $1,000.
PRICE: PS465,000 AGENT: Wm Sykes & Son 01484 683543 Over PS200,000 New Hey Road, Outlane THIS semi-detached home forms part of a converted milking shed in Outlane.
"I've known worse wind in the milking shed when the cows are grassed up and gassed up!" Meanwhile, deep inside his reinforced concrete anti-blitzkrieg bunker several floors below Broadcasting House the Man from the Beeb squeaked and squealed his way fearfully through the late night news like a sow at the slaughterhouse door.
witness are cows, heads bowed, carrying heavy udders as they slowly and painfully make their way to the milking shed.
To accommodate the changes, work is underway on a new milking shed. When completed, it will house a new 12/24 herringbone parlour to replace the farm's current eight-unit abreast.
"The barn had many uses over the years, it was used as a milking shed at one time and was also used to house our daughter's ponies.