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also me·zu·za  (mə-zo͝oz′ə, -zo͞o-zä′)
n. pl. me·zu·zahs also me·zu·zas (-zo͝oz′əz) or me·zu·zot (-zo͞o-zôt′)
1. A small piece of parchment inscribed with the biblical passages Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21 and marked with the word Shaddai, a name of the Almighty, that is rolled up in a container and affixed by many Jewish households to their door frames in conformity with Jewish law and as a sign of their faith.
2. The container that holds this piece of parchment.

[Hebrew məzûzâ, doorpost, mezuzah; see ḏwḏ in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.mezuza - religious texts from Deuteronomy inscribed on parchment and rolled up in a case that is attached to the doorframe of many Jewish households in accordance with Jewish lawmezuza - religious texts from Deuteronomy inscribed on parchment and rolled up in a case that is attached to the doorframe of many Jewish households in accordance with Jewish law
section, subdivision - a self-contained part of a larger composition (written or musical); "he always turns first to the business section"; "the history of this work is discussed in the next section"
Book of Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy - the fifth book of the Old Testament; contains a second statement of Mosaic law
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Moore), who memorably converted to Judaism last season, uses the few office supplies available to her to fashion a mezuza for her bunk, which she shares with a Muslim newcomer.
Once everyone arrives, the former Temple Sinai will be deconsecrated, a mezuza affixed to the threshold, and people will enter the sanctuary for the reconsecration of Temple Emanuel Sinai.
El 17 de junio de 2011 el gobernador republicano de Texas Rick Perry firmo una ley (HB 1278) aprobada por sus dos camaras legislativas en el mes de mayo y por la que se prohibe a los propietarios de condominios aprobar acuerdos restrictivos a fin de impedir que los vecinos fijen sobre sus puertas objetos religiosos como la mezuza judia (pequena caja que contiene un pergamino con versiculos de la Tora en su interior y que los judios colocan en la parte derecha de la jamba de sus puertas como proteccion del hogar).
"The honor of affixing a mezuza on the entrance to this exhibit at Havana's Sephardic Center ...
In the film Our State footage of bombardments and destruction in Europe is inserted into shots of a city being built, a watchtower being erected, and a mezuza being affixed to a doorjamb.