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Related to metamer: metamere, metameric segmentation


(Elements & Compounds) any of two or more isomeric compounds exhibiting metamerism
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈmɛt ə mər)

a compound exhibiting metamerism with one or more other compounds.
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This aspect was mainly explained by the following growth measurements: final node number, final shoot length (cm), mean metamer length (mm) TCSA increment, and shoot growth cessation (days).
Por lo tanto, como ya hemos dicho, tampoco podria estar seguro de si la extension que habitualmente asocia a los "objetos rojos" es verdadera, dado que puede haber objetos que se ven rojos y que en realidad no lo son y al reves; es decir, podria ser el caso de pares de objetos metamer (Hilbert 1987), con la misma apariencia pero sin la misma naturaleza.
Since the number of potential axillary buds per metamer can be considered as a fixed botanical data, it is straightforward to deduce the whole plant structure from the population of buds.
Each module (i.e., tiller) grows by reiteration of a basic structural subunit (i.e., metamer) produced by a single apical meristem (White, 1979; Room et al., 1994).
The first one is that not all the colours that can be created by a mixture of luminous stimuli have a metamer in the atlas stimuli (in that case, the points should cover the entire diagram).
We also calculated within-plant maximum internode, petiole, leaf, and metamer (sensu White 1979) masses.
The first represents a lack of ontogenetic changes in size or shape of a vegetative metamer (isomorphy), the second gradual changes in size and/or shape of varying degrees (allomorphy), and the last an abrupt change in form (metamorphosis).
Leaf; stem, and metamer characteristics of vines in a tropical deciduous forest in Jalisco, Mexico.
The metamer is defined as the internode, upper node, attached leaf, and axillary bud(s) (Barlow, 1989), and metamerism (White, 1984) is the serial repetition of metamers within or along an organism.
l.; and to identify whether the observed changes correspond to the original definition of the term by Goebel (1900-1905), which implies substantial changes in the leaf form among different metamers during plant development.
Thus, all stimuli were metamers based on the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) 1931 2[degrees] Standard Observer (that is, colorimetric metamers).
When the lighting is changed, the metamers no longer match.