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(ˈmɑːbɪ; ˈmɔː-)
n, pl -bies
(Cookery) (in the E Caribbean) a bittersweet drink made from the bark of a rhamnaceous tree
[C20: of uncertain origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
After a local team of botanists finally isolated the agent in mauby that slowed aging, the island enjoyed and endured a period of international notoriety.
In fact, the liquid was a West Indian drink called Mauby, sold in many shops in Cardiff.
She raised particular concerns about apparently "suspicious" items removed from the musician's studio, including a "videotape relating to Pakistan" - although according to Mr Frederick, the only videotape at the studio was of boxer Muhammad Ali - and a "colourless, odourless liquid" found in the fridge, which turned out to be mauby, a drink popular in the Caribbean.
As the sun blazes down with growing intensity, the revelers advance on downtown Charlotteville, where they join neighbors and visitors for a copious community lunch of curried crab cakes and dumpling, cassava and corn coocoo, steaming helpings of stewed fish, pork, and chicken plus fruit punch, gingger beer, and mauby, a nonalcoholic beverage made from tree bark.
They take pity on the boy, offer him drinks, some ice-cold mauby, a bite to eat, a dhal-pouri, all of which he declines at first, then dutifully accepts.