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(Anthropology & Ethnology) having the mother functioning as the head of the household or family. Compare patrifocal
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With evidence dating back as far as 24,000 BC, Ashe shows how the culture of prehistoric southern Siberia was matrifocal, Goddess-worshiping, and heavily shamanic and served as the progenitor of advanced ancient culture in the Western world, the missing link that later influenced Indian, Middle Eastern, Native American, and European society, culture, and religion.
Anthropologists will enjoy the classical methodology of Yasmine's Musharbash's "'Country', 'community' and 'growth town': Three spatio-temporal snapshots of Warlpiri experiences of home" and Martina Giuffre's "The transnational matrifocal home among Cape Verdean migrant women: The case of the Santo Antao island".
Mirroring the rhetoric of locas as "inimical to order" (Duberman 1993, 236), these studies advanced the idea of a Puerto Rican "culture of poverty" that could only be explained through "the tale of a mostly female, disordered sexuality whose 'pathological' results (free unions, unstable marriages, high rates of illegitimacy, and matrifocal households) were perpetuated culturally" (Cruz-Malave 2007b, 101).
"Goddess across the Taiwan Strait: Matrifocal Ritual Space, Nation-State, and Satellite Television Footprints." Popular Culture 16, no.
In addition, the early migration of men seeking labor, leaving women as heads of households led into the development of the matrifocal household structure (Griffith, 1998).
Prior to the influences of patriarchy and Christianity, many Native American cultures were female-centered which was reflected in matrilineal, matrilocal, and matrifocal tribal structures.
As L'Ouverture, Homer seeks to usurp the plantocracy by instituting a multiple plantation revolt, deposing colonial authorities, and establishing an independent nation-state modeled on African matrifocal principals.