massasauga rattler

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Noun1.massasauga rattler - pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexicomassasauga rattler - pygmy rattlesnake found in moist areas from the Great Lakes to Mexico; feeds on mice and small amphibians
rattler, rattlesnake - pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken
genus Sistrurus, Sistrurus - pygmy rattlesnakes
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References in periodicals archive ?
I have received two reports of Massasauga rattlers in the gorge in the past 15 years from knowledgeable people.
In back, behind glass, loll the snakes: timber rattlers, pygmy rattlers, desert massasauga rattlers, and most of the other 32 rattlesnake species known to inhabit the United States.
Have Maid of the Mist contractors surreptitiously harassed or destroyed Massasauga rattlers, or their habitat, with a wink and nod from state regulators?