malicious falsehood

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malicious falsehood

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Another malicious falsehood being spread by the EurAsia Times is that General Bajwa is also thinking of going to Saudi Arabia to lead the Islamic Army Command, following in the footsteps of Gen (retd) Raheel Sharif, his predecessor as COAS.
Legal actions that a wayward comment may result in include the risk that a statement is deemed to be defamatory or a malicious falsehood.
Daniel Jennings represented a company in a defamation action, securing additional injunctions on the bases of malicious falsehood and data protection, and acted for a business in a claim against a website operator whose users made derogatory comments about its services.
In the suit filed last year by his counsel, Baba Isa, the plaintiff is claiming the sum of N100 million as general damages for defamation and malicious falsehood published by the defendant on his Facebook timeline on the 18th and 19th October 2017.
'It does not clearly define the malicious falsehood required for the offence, the severity of the 'fake news' required before attracting criminal culpability, or the defences that are open to persons accused of publishing 'fake news',' he said in a statement.
During his 40 years in prison Hardy wrote letters to the authorities suggesting that his brother Colin had killed Dorothy - a malicious falsehood.
In a statement, the Saudi government called the accusations a "( malicious falsehood ," while Qatar, by far the ( wealthiest country per capita in the world , said in a similar statement that it "( does not support extremist groups " and is "repelled" by the Islamic State's views and ambitions.
They address copyright, trademarks, design rights, and passing off; legal and self-regulatory frameworks, including consumer protection, privacy, and data protection; issues related to celebrities in advertising, children and advertising, comparative advertising, defamation and malicious falsehood, the internet, lotteries and prize promotions, music in advertising, price claims and indications, sponsorship and major events, and the use of common, everyday items in ads; industry issues for alcohol, food, gambling, political advertising, and smoking and vaping; and client/agency contracts, pitching, and the production of commercials.
It is worn as a badge of weary honour that the perception of United fans as a demanding and suffocating bunch is a malicious falsehood trotted out by the likes of Graeme Souness and Alan Pardew - men who were not good enough to do the job that they brand a 'Mission: Impossible'.
As George Grant wrote in his book The Last Crusader: The Untold Story of Christopher Columbus, the charge against Columbus of slave-trading is simply "malicious falsehood." It is true that Columbus captured 500 Indians following a brief war, who were sent to Spain.
Any suggestion to the contrary, is a malicious falsehood.