magnetic charge

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magnetic charge

A theoretical property of matter manifesting magnetic phenomena, analogous to electric charge, arising from magnetic monopoles.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"I think it was probably picking up an electric or magnetic charge, possibly the result of the vigorous shaking that goes on during dilution," he says.
In the above generalized Dirac-Maxwell's equations, [[rho].sup.e] and [[rho].sup.m] are the electric and magnetic charge densities while [J.sup.e] and [J.sup.m] are the corresponding current densities.
Only with the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, when the chief rabbi of Rome led a procession under the arch (in the opposite direction from which Jewish prisoners were paraded 2,000 years earlier) was the superstition countermanded, but even to this day the menorah seems to convey an almost magnetic charge.
Magnetic charge of the scattering particle functions as an external magnetic field in respect to the nucleus.
It works by using fluid-filled shock absorbers that can change their viscosity based on magnetic charge, and those changes are dictated by sensors that read the road surface every millisecond.
In order to derive the magnetic-dipole potential, Maxwell considers each minute particle as consisting of equal-magnitude positive and negative magnetic charge separated by a differential distance.
Houshang Afshar Irani has been identified by Indian police as the man who attached a magnetic charge to the car of the wife of the Israeli defense attachE in Delhi.
The poles have magnetic charge that closely agrees with theoretical predictions, and the charges' interactions follow the same law that governs electric charges, Coulomb's Law.
magnetic monopole A particle with a magnetic charge that is similar to an electric charge.
Moreover, perpendicular recording results in the improved ability of a bit to retain its magnetic charge, a property called coercivity.
In FDDs and HDDs, a ferrous oxide coating is bonded to the disk surface which will hold a magnetic charge for a long period of time, allowing you to store the disks offline without electrical power to hold the data, as is required for random access computer memory (RAM).