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[Short for New Latin magnēsia alba, literally, white magnesia : Medieval Latin magnēsia, mineral ingredient in the philosopher's stone (from Greek magnēsiā, a kind of ore, talc or a talclike substance, after Magnēsiē, a region of Thessaly where it was found, from Magnēs, an inhabitant of Thessalian Magnesia) + Latin alba, feminine of albus, white.]

mag·ne′sian adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In the south, tholeiitic and high magnesian basalts predominate.
A total of 1.3 million tonnes of waste was moved, derelict structures cleared, 560 acres of magnesian limestone clifftop grassland with its special plant communities restored, artworks installed and miles of cycleway and footpaths laid down.
A total of 1.3million tonnes of waste was moved, derelict structures cleared, 560 acres of magnesian limestone clifftop grassland with its special plant communities restored, artworks installed and miles of cycleway and footpaths laid down.
Major improvements have been made, starting with the Turning the Tide clean-up project in 1997, but a shelf of colliery spoil remains on Blast Beach to protect the base of the magnesian limestone cliffs, and the red and yellow oxide-coloured pools still appear.
The concentrations of [Mg.sup.2+], which fluctuate between 22.5 and 1085 mg/L, are positively correlated to [Ca.sup.2+] contents, with a determination coefficient of 0.78, suggesting the same origin, which is the magnesian calcite dissolution (Figure 8).
Samples from most plutons fall in the fields of both ferroan and magnesian granites on the [Fe.sup.*] (= Fe[O.sup.7](Fe[O.sup.7] + MgO)) vs.
Purple sandstone magnesian sandstone and other sedimentary rocks exposed in the Salt Range particularly in its eastern half are quite suitable for use as building stone.