
(redirected from loeries)
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(ˈlaʊrɪ) or


(Animals) South African any of several species of touraco: louries are divided into two groups, the arboreal species having a mainly green plumage and crimson wings and the species which inhabits the more open savanna areas having a plain grey plumage
[from Malay luri]


(Marketing) South African any of several awards for excellence in advertising and marketing, given by the Marketing Federation of South Africa
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Over the past two years, he has played an integral role in winning competitive pitches and has helped produce iconic campaigns -- such as Nissan's "#SheDrives" -- which were recognised at global and regional award shows, including Cannes Lions, D&AD, Clio Awards, One Show, New York Festival, LIA, the MENA Effie, the Loeries and Dubai Lynx, among others.
The agency was also awarded the Silver Loeries Award for integrated campaign and Silver in Africa Cristal awards in the category 'Best use of Branded Content'.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 23, 2017-: AAA students claim Inaugural Facebook Challenge Student Award at the Loeries
Advantage Y&R have won a Silver Award at the 36th The Loeries, held on 20 and 21 September, in Cape Town, South Africa.
An extensively awarded creative, Lineveldt's accolades include trophies at Cannes, D&AD, Clio, One Show, Epica, Loeries, Dubai Lynx and Mena Cristal.
For some years it has been a big player in regional awards shows such as the Dubai Lynx, as well as abroad in the Lions, the Loeries and more.
"This award, as well as other recent awards achieved at the SA Loeries and the D&AD confirms that we, as a Namibian advertising agency, are fully capable of work that is creative, technical and effective for our clients.
The Loeries has been rewarding creativity and innovation for more than 40 years, across Africa and the Middle East.
The winner receives airline tickets for two to Cape Town and to the Loeries awards on 20 September 2013.
We are proud of our work for Citi, the Hidden Hindi poster, which has been performing well at international advertising festivals such as Cannes, Loeries and Global Cristal.