litz wire

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litz wire

n (Elec) → Litze f, → Litzendraht m
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Moreover, shorts between two positive or two negative wires can lead to a current through the shields, GND, or a current, which is higher than the rated current through a litz wire, if the voltages of the affected drivetrains are not exactly equal, which might or might not have further effects, for example, electromagnetic interference (EMI) or damage.
Two types of coils are experimentally tested: enameled cooper wire and litz wire. Litz wire coil has lower inductivity for the same inner diameter (12mm) and outer (75mm) coil diameters of enameled copper wire coil, due to larger litz wire outer diameter for the same cross-section.
Lee, "A high frequency model for Litz wire for switch-mode magnetics," Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 1169-1175, Toronto, Canada, 1993.
Engineers have used Litz wire for many years to minimize the resistance increase caused by skin effect.
To accommodate the side effects of an HTS rotor, like the very high magnetic field created, the stator is water-cooled and Litz wire is used to reduce eddy current losses.
Conductors used in the transformer coil quite often are not made of regular magnet wire, but rather extremely thin copper strip or a specially woven wire called litz wire. These conductors also are used because of high operating frequency.
A1 * 1m rectangle loop antenna with a polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe shield case was selected as the VLF receive antenna in this study, the loop antenna was designed by litz wire, the litz wire was circled inside a shield pipe, and the PVC pipe acts as a supporting function of the litz wire.