
Also found in: Medical.
Related to lithoclast: lithotripsy


(Tools) an instrument used to break up bladder stones
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The stones, once identified are fragmented using a Lithoclast for lithotripsy, most stone fragments (<4 mm) could be flushed out, by infusion of normal saline irrigation, along with the backflow through the Amplatz sheath, while the remaining big fragments are extracted with stone forceps.
According to him, the surgeries to be considered during the subsidised surgery include Holmium Laser Enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) for BPH, causing bladder outlet obstruction; Laser Lithotripsy for kidney stones; Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and Lithotripsy using the Swiss Lithoclast Master; and Laparoscopic Surgery for Gallstones and Gynecological problems.
Then 26F nephroscope was introduced and stones were fragmented with lithoclast and taken out with forceps.
Pneumatic lithoclast lithotripter functions in a similar manner as pneumatic jackhammer15.
and Kingo et al.1314 used lithoclast master that combines pneumatic and ultrasonic lithotripsy and also give advantage of aspiration thereby improving vision during surgery.
Stones were broken with Swiss Pneumatic Lithoclast and residual fragments identified by ultrasonography.
Pisoids: are common, with a nucleus of subrounded lithoclast and a cortex sometimes asymmetric indicating variations in growth conditions (Fig.
Takiben kilif icerisinden 18 F nefroskop (Karl-Storz, Almanya) toplayici sisteme gonderildi ve icerisinden pnomotik litotriptor gonderilerek taslar fragmante edildi (Lithoclast; EMS, Isvicre).
Treatment of Ureteric Calculi- Use of Holmium: YAG Laser Lithotripsy Versus Pneumatic Lithoclast; J Pak Med Assoc 2007;57:440: