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a mixture of lime and water used to whitewash walls, ceilings, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n(Kalk)tünche f
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Sir Christopher, covered with limewash, cherished a bleeding thumb, and the almost crazy monkey tore at Giuseppe's hair.
The walls are insulated with wood fiber and painted with limewash, while the windows are aluminum clad.
The addition of the limewash Ca[(OH).sub.2] suspension or Ca[(OH).sub.2] powder to the flue gas at temperatures up to 800[degrees]C is ineffective as the optimal temperature for adding Ca[(OH).sub.2] to the flue gas is about 1200[degrees]C [18].
(17) It is a stately and imposing-looking building, even though it is stuccoed and coloured with yellow limewash."
Before the arrival of machine-made products in the 19th century, bricks could look uneven and mismatched so were covered with limewash.
John Fidler, an architect specialising in preservation technology, pointed out that ancient architectural ceramics, largely unglazed, were always covered with tempera, limewash, or oil, offering some measure of protection.
In the late 1950 and early 1960s, a white limewash was used to paint it, which further accentuated this name," he added.
Some of these charming, and "easy on the eye" stone farm buildings are whitewashed with limewash, and some are left as bare stone.
The walls were stripped back to the old limewash and the exposed beams remain intact.
The Opera product lineup includes a full line of interior coatings in an array of colors plus other exterior products, such as Limewash. They will be sold through a network of distributors to selective paint stores, general and painting contractors, architects and architectural colorists.
Just mix concrete and add in pigments used for limewash paints.