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(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) a fluid produced from the sulphate used during the pulping of softwood in papermaking
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The work in this article reports on 1980-1981 research of phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resins modified with Kraft lignin, lignosulfonate lignin, and Masonite wet-process spent "sludge" lignin, as well as 100 percent lignin binders for wet-process fiberboard.
Lignosulfonate and lignin products are therefore derived from a natural raw material.
On the basis of product, market can be divided into sodium ligosulfonate, magnesium lignosulfonate, calcium lignosulfonate, and others.
Structural characterization of technical lignins for the production of adhesives: Application to lignosulfonate, kraft, soda-anthraquinone, organosolv and ethanol process lignins.