
Also found in: Medical.


Occurring or performed after the twentieth week of gestation in humans.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
From 2017 to 2018, there was an increase in the percentages of births delivered preterm and early term, while decreases were seen in full-term, late-term, and postterm deliveries; consistent patterns were seen across race and Hispanic-origin groups.
Melinda Bush would rescind prohibitions on some late-term abortions and 45-year-old criminal penalties for performing the procedure.
Kelly Cassidy's Reproductive Health Act , which would rescind prohibitions on some late-term abortions and 45-year-old restraints such as criminal penalties for doctors performing abortions, all measures whose enforcement has been prohibited by court orders, the Associated Press reported.
Trump has also called for a congressional ban on late-term abortions, as he seeks to expand on his conservative support ahead of his re-election bid.
Conversely, late-term abortions are singularly unpopular.
Liberal states and politicians argue that unwanted babies who survive abortions--including late-term abortions--should not receive the highest level of medical care and would simply be "made comfortable" before they are murdered.
Sanders took on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in the interview, and blasted the Democrats for supporting late-term abortion.
Furthermore, acute kidney injury is a frequent complication of LDLT patients and is a significant risk factor of increased early- and late-term mortality.[5] In addition, postoperative allograft dysfunction, postreperfusion syndrome, intra-abdominal or gastrointestinal bleeding, pulmonary or infectious complications, sepsis, biliary tract complications including biliary stenosis or leakage, major vascular complications including isolated or combined hepatic artery, portal vein and hepatic vein thrombosis or stenosis, and multiple-organ failure, are the independent risk factors of increased early- and late-term mortality after LDLT.
LATE-term abortions will be banned if the referendum to repeal the Eighth Amendment is passed, it was revealed yesterday.
"But these Democrats voting in the Democratic primary presumably looked at the ballot and said, 'Davis, Davis - that's the late-term abortion person.