labor pain

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Noun1.labor pain - pain and discomfort associated with contractions of the uterus during laborlabor pain - pain and discomfort associated with contractions of the uterus during labor
hurting, pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
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During the first exam, she had labor pain contractions with 15 to 30-minute interval but finished the exam after an hour.
Additionally, Jacuzzi and whirlpools are available for labor pain and postnatal comfort massage.
Background: Many strategies for labor pain management have been studied, including aromatherapy, which is a noninvasive, alternative medicine used as an adjunct for labor pain control.
"Early pregnancy abortion, preterm labor pain, full-term labor pain, pregnancy associated with diabetes and hypertension are some of the issues that women face during Hajj," added Dr.
The relationship between parity and labor pain. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1998;63(3):287-8.
In terms of labor pain, only the massage therapy group experienced a decrease in labor pain (P < 0.001).
Labor pain is one of the most significant pains experienced by women and concerns about pain during labour remains a hot topic.
Awareness of labor pain in a multidimensional framework puts an emphasis on a woman-centered method of labor pain management that involves an extensive scope of pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches [3].
In pregnant women, CSF noradrenaline concentration was increased in parturients with labor pain, as compared to those without labor pain [9].
Chao (2007) and Chung (2003) have also emphasized the effectiveness of acupressure in reduction of labor pain [2,11].