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(Genetics) a protein molecule that is responsible for triggering the onset of puberty in humans
[C21: after the KiSS-1 gene that produces it]
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The second antibody was biotinylated goat antirabic serum (Vector, Burlingame, CA, USA) (1:250); visualisation was with nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine (Ni-DAB) for Fos, and diaminobenzidine (DAB) for double-labelling of kisspeptin. The sections were first incubated with the Fos antibody, and the nickel DAB reaction was performed before incubation with kisspeptin antibody (1:1500).
Kisspeptin is a newly discovered protein which encodes by the KiSS-1 gene and is a ligand for the G protein-coupled receptor GPR54 (Pompolo et al., 2006).
The hormone, called kisspeptin, activates the release of sex hormones which control the menstrual cycle.
Kisspeptin, a hormone that triggers teen fertility, can help older childless women ovulate, and regular hot-tub use tends to reduce the number and quality of men's sperm.
For more, adiponectin, also through AMPK pathway, inhibits the gene transcription of kisspeptin 1 (KISS1), the upstream signal for GnRH release [57].
Serum ferritin (ng/mL) and hemoglobin (gm/dl) alongwith hormonal assay of GH (ng/mL), T3 (ng/mL), T4 (ug/dL), TSH (uIU/mL), and kisspeptin (ng/ml) was done.
Kisspeptin and neurokinin B have an important role in regulation of puberty.
Kisspeptin is essential for the full preovulatory LH surge and stimulates GnRH release from the isolated ovine median eminence.
In mice, hyperprolactinaemia directly inhibits the secretion of kisspeptin and by preventing the secretion of GnRH, effectively blocks ovarian cyclicity.