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or kaf·fi·yeh (kə-fē′ə)
A square of cloth, often embroidered, traditionally worn as a headdress by Arab men, either by winding it around the head or by folding it into a triangle, draping it over the head, and securing it with an agal. Also called shemagh.

[Arabic kūfīya, from feminine of kūfī, of Kufa, Kufic, from al-Kūfa, Kufa, a city in central Iraq.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(kɛˈfiːjə) ,




(Clothing & Fashion) a cotton headdress worn by Arabs
[C19: from Arabic, perhaps from Late Latin cofea coif]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
kufiyyapalestinapañuelo palestino
References in periodicals archive ?
Ali Hussein, a 92-year-old from the Palestinian village of Hittin, joined the commemoration event wearing his keffiyeh, a symbol of the Palestinian resistance.
This was where they slept on mattresses they sometimes stuffed with corn husks, and where they kept the disguises purchased in the Jaffa flea markets: keffiyeh headdresses for villagers, work shirts or cheap franji suits, the kind worn by both Arabs and Jews, if they didn't want to draw attention on either side of the line.
The theme of the first night of the wedding was Arabian Nights and saw Pitt sporting a keffiyeh - a checkered scarf usually worn around the neck or head.
The ambassador indicated that the people of the region and as a sign of the humanitarian dimension of their cause are taking the Palestinian resistance as a model for their struggle to obtain their rights, often wearing the "Palestinian keffiyeh" as an expression.
The 57-year-old has been widely slated for his choice ofHalloweencostume, which included a blood-spattered white coat and a Middle Eastern headscarf, known as a keffiyeh.
The Smiths were pictured wearing a keffiyeh staring at something in the distance.
The London-based daily Al-Araby Al-Jadeed recently published a cartoon, by the Jordanian artist Emad Hajjaj, depicting a faceless man wearing a red and white keffiyeh and sweeping his brown thawb in such a way that it looks almost like he is performing a magic trick.
While the piece explicitly notes that Arafat wore a keffiyeh headdress, it leaves out the much more significant and historical fact that he wore a gun holster.
Bearing a Palestinian flag and a keffiyeh on his neck, Ladraa set off his journey on the 8th of August 2017, which marked the 100th anniversary of Balfour Declaration, crossing 15 countries through European countries, then Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.
The victims, in pictures posted on social media, were discovered with their hands tied behind their backs and eyes bound with red-and-white keffiyeh headscarves.
The British Musician and activist Roger Waters wore a Palestinian Keffiyeh when presenting the men's category Coupe des Mousquetaires of the Tennis French Open.
The keffiyeh as hippie bandeau, the anarcho-punk stud gone the way of Hot Topic.