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jog 1

v. jogged, jog·ging, jogs
1. To move by shoving, bumping, or jerking; jar: a rough wagon ride that jogged the passengers.
2. To give a push or shake to; nudge: jogged her dozing companion with her elbow.
3. To rouse or stimulate as if by nudging: an old photo that might jog your memory.
4. To cause (a horse) to move at a leisurely pace.
1. To move with a jolting rhythm: The pack jogged against his back as he ran.
2. To move in a steady, slow trot: The horse jogged easily down the road.
a. To run at a steady, moderate pace: The athletes jogged out to their positions on the playing field.
b. Sports To run in such a way for sport or exercise: She jogs every day after work for forty-five minutes.
a. To go or travel at a slow or leisurely pace: The old car jogged along until it reached the hill.
b. To proceed in a leisurely manner: "while his life was thus jogging easily along" (Duff Cooper).
1. A slight push or shake; a nudge.
2. A jogging movement or rhythm.
3. A slow steady trot.
a. A steady, moderate running pace: He broke into a jog when he realized he was late.
b. A session of running at such a pace, as for exercise: She went out for a jog along the river.

[Perhaps alteration of Middle English shoggen, to shake, move with a jerk, perhaps alteration of shokken, to move rapidly, from Middle Low German schocken, to shake.]

jog′ger n.

jog 2

1. A protruding or receding part in a surface or line.
2. An abrupt change in direction: a jog in the road.
intr.v. jogged, jog·ging, jogs
To turn sharply; veer: Here the boundary jogs south.

[Variant of jag.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, jogs, jogging or jogged
1. (intr) to run or move slowly or at a jog trot, esp for physical exercise
2. (intr; foll by on or along) to continue in a plodding way
3. (tr) to jar or nudge slightly; shake lightly
4. (tr) to remind; stimulate: please jog my memory.
5. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) printing to even up the edges of (a stack of paper); square up
6. the act of jogging
7. a slight jar or nudge
8. a jogging motion; trot
[C14: probably variant of shog to shake, influenced by dialect jot to jolt]


1. a sharp protruding point in a surface; jag
2. a sudden change in course or direction
[C18: probably variant of jag1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. jogged, jog•ging,
n. v.t.
1. to move or shake with a push or jerk.
2. to stir into activity or alertness, as by a reminder: to jog one's memory.
3. to cause (a horse) to go at a steady trot.
4. to align the edges of (a stack of sheets of paper) by gently tapping.
5. to run at a slow, steady pace.
6. to ride at a steady trot.
7. to go with a heavy or jolting motion.
8. to go in a desultory or humdrum fashion (usu. fol. by on or along).
9. a shake; slight push.
10. a steady trot, as of a horse.
11. an act or instance of jogging: to go for a jog.
12. a jogging pace.
[1540–50; perhaps b. jot to jog (now dial.) and shog to shake, jog (late Middle English shoggen)]
jog′ger, n.



n., v. jogged, jog•ging. n.
1. an irregularity of line or surface; projection; notch.
2. a bend or turn.
3. to bend or turn: The road jogs to the left there.
[1705–15; variant of jag1]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: jogged
Gerund: jogging

I jog
you jog
he/she/it jogs
we jog
you jog
they jog
I jogged
you jogged
he/she/it jogged
we jogged
you jogged
they jogged
Present Continuous
I am jogging
you are jogging
he/she/it is jogging
we are jogging
you are jogging
they are jogging
Present Perfect
I have jogged
you have jogged
he/she/it has jogged
we have jogged
you have jogged
they have jogged
Past Continuous
I was jogging
you were jogging
he/she/it was jogging
we were jogging
you were jogging
they were jogging
Past Perfect
I had jogged
you had jogged
he/she/it had jogged
we had jogged
you had jogged
they had jogged
I will jog
you will jog
he/she/it will jog
we will jog
you will jog
they will jog
Future Perfect
I will have jogged
you will have jogged
he/she/it will have jogged
we will have jogged
you will have jogged
they will have jogged
Future Continuous
I will be jogging
you will be jogging
he/she/it will be jogging
we will be jogging
you will be jogging
they will be jogging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been jogging
you have been jogging
he/she/it has been jogging
we have been jogging
you have been jogging
they have been jogging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been jogging
you will have been jogging
he/she/it will have been jogging
we will have been jogging
you will have been jogging
they will have been jogging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been jogging
you had been jogging
he/she/it had been jogging
we had been jogging
you had been jogging
they had been jogging
I would jog
you would jog
he/she/it would jog
we would jog
you would jog
they would jog
Past Conditional
I would have jogged
you would have jogged
he/she/it would have jogged
we would have jogged
you would have jogged
they would have jogged
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.jog - a sharp change in direction; "there was a jog in the road"
angular shape, angularity - a shape having one or more sharp angles
2.jog - a slow pace of runningjog - a slow pace of running    
locomotion, travel - self-propelled movement
dogtrot - a steady trot like that of a dog
3.jog - a slight push or shake
push, pushing - the act of applying force in order to move something away; "he gave the door a hard push"; "the pushing is good exercise"
Verb1.jog - continue talking or writing in a desultory manner; "This novel rambles on and jogs"
proceed, continue, carry on, go on - continue talking; "I know it's hard," he continued, "but there is no choice"; "carry on--pretend we are not in the room"
2.jog - even up the edges of a stack of paper, in printing
square - position so as to be square; "He squared his shoulders"
3.jog - run for exercise; "jog along the canal"
athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition
run - move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"
4.jog - run at a moderately swift pacejog - run at a moderately swift pace  
run - move fast by using one's feet, with one foot off the ground at any given time; "Don't run--you'll be out of breath"; "The children ran to the store"
5.jog - give a slight push to
nudge, poke at, prod - to push against gently; "She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant"
6.jog - stimulate to remember; "jog my memory"
provoke, stimulate - provide the needed stimulus for
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. run, trot, canter, lope, dogtrot He could scarcely jog around the block that first day.
2. nudge, push, shake, prod Avoid jogging the camera.
3. stimulate, remind, prompt, stir, arouse, activate, nudge, prod Keep a card file on the books you have read to jog your memory later.
1. run, race, rush, dash, sprint, gallop, spurt He went for another early morning jog.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To thrust against or into:
2. To move with a steady easy gait faster than a walk but slower than a run:
1. An act of thrusting into or against, as to attract attention:
2. A person's steady easy gait that is faster than a walk but slower than a run:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَدْفَع بِرِفْقيَرْكُض بِخَطوٍ بطيءيسير بِبُطءٍيُـمَارِسُ رِيَّاضَةَ العَدْوَ
joggelunte afstedmotionere
hnippa ískjöktaskokka
bėgti ristelelėtai važiuotiriedėtiristelestumtelėti
lēni skrietlēni vilktiespiebikstītpiegrūst
ağır tempo koşmakdürtmekitmekkoşmakyavaş yavaş gitmek
chạy bộ


A. N
1. (= push) (gen) → empujoncito m; (with elbow) → codazo m
2. (= encouragement) → estímulo m
to give sb's memory a jogrefrescar la memoria a algn
3. (= pace) (also jog trot) → trote m corto
to go at a steady jogandar a trote corto
4. (= run) → carrera f a trote corto
to go for a jogir a hacer footing or jogging
1. (= push) → empujar (ligeramente)
he jogged my armme dio ligeramente con el codo
2. (= encourage) → estimular
to jog sb's memoryrefrescar la memoria a algn
to jog sb into actionmotivar a algn
1. (also to jog along) (gen) → andar a trote corto (fig) → hacer algunos progresos, avanzar pero sin prisa
2. (Sport) (also to go jogging) → hacer footing, hacer jogging
D. CPD jog trot N at a jog trota trote corto
jog along VI + ADV [vehicle] → avanzar despacio, ir sin prisa (fig) we're jogging alongvamos tirando
the work is jogging along nicelyel trabajo marcha bien
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= move slightly) → secouer
to jog sb's memory → rafraîchir la mémoire de qn
vi (= go running) → faire du jogging
to go jogging → faire du jogging
to go for a jog → aller faire un jogging
jog along
(= run slowly) → trotter
(= be on good terms)
We jog along comfortably together → Nous nous entendons bien.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vtstoßen an (+acc)or gegen; personanstoßen; he jogged the child up and down on his kneeer ließ das Kind auf seinen Knien reiten; he was being jogged up and down on the horsedas Pferd schüttelte ihn durch; to jog somebody’s memoryjds Gedächtnis (dat)nachhelfen or auf die Sprünge helfen; to jog somebody’s consciencejdm Gewissensbisse bereiten
vitrotten, zuckeln (inf); (Sport) → Dauerlauf machen, joggen; to jog up and downauf und ab hüpfen
(= push, nudge)Stoß m, → Schubs m, → Stups m; to give somebody’s memory a jogjds Gedächtnis (dat)nachhelfen
(= run)trabender Lauf, Trott m; (Sport) → Dauerlauf m; he broke into a joger fing an zu traben; she starts the day with a gentle jog around the parkfür sie fängt der Tag mit einem langsamen Lauf durch den Park an; to go for a jog (Sport) → einen Dauerlauf machen, joggen (gehen); to set off at a joglostraben
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vi (Sport) → fare jogging
2. vt (push) → urtare, spingere (fig) (sb's memory) → rinfrescare
to jog sb into doing sth (fig) → spingere qn a fare qc
3. n
a. (pace) (also jog trot) → passo lento di corsa; (of horse) → piccolo trotto; (run) to go for a jogandare a fare jogging
b. (push) → spinta, colpetto
jog along vi + adv (vehicle) → procedere con leggeri scossoni (fig) we're jogging alongsi tira avanti
the work is jogging along nicely → il lavoro procede senza altibassi
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(dʒog) past tense, past participle jogged verb
1. to push, shake or knock gently. He jogged my arm and I spilt my coffee; I have forgotten, but something may jog my memory later on.
2. to travel slowly. The cart jogged along the rough track.
3. to run at a gentle pace, especially for the sake of exercise. She jogs / goes jogging round the park for half an hour every morning.
at a jog-trot
at a gentle running pace. Every morning he goes down the road at a jog-trot.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يُـمَارِسُ رِيَّاضَةَ العَدْوَ běhat jogge joggen κάνω τζόγκινγκ hacer footing hölkätä courir trčati correre ジョギングする 조깅하다 joggen jogge biec dla zdrowia correr бегать jogga วิ่งเหยาะ koşmak chạy bộ 慢跑
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


v. correr acompasadamente como medio de ejercicio físico.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vi (pret & pp jogged; ger jogging) correr, trotar
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
You'd just better tie up to Thomas, for he loves you and you love him and nothing else ain't going to do you.' Jog along, black mare.
'Then he must have a hint of it,' said Wegg, 'and a strong one that'll jog his terrors a bit.
But of men--I have known one man indifferent well for over forty years, have exulted in him (odd to think of it), shuddered at him, wearied of him, been willing (God forgive me) to jog along with him tolerantly long after I have found him out; I know something of men, and, on my soul, boy, I believe I am wronging you.
We learn to put our feelings back into ourselves, and to jog on with our duties as patiently as may be.
TOM dodged hither and thither through lanes until he was well out of the track of returning scholars, and then fell into a moody jog. He crossed a small "branch" two or three times, because of a prevailing juvenile superstition that to cross water baffled pursuit.
On they jog, with equal pace, through the verdant meadows or over the barren heath, their horses measuring four miles and a half per hour with the utmost exactness; the eyes of the beast and of his master being alike directed forwards, and employed in contemplating the same objects in the same manner.
Before lowering the boat for the chase, the upper end of the line is taken aft from the tub, and passing round the logger-head there, is again carried forward the entire length of the boat, resting crosswise upon the loom or handle of every man's oar, so that it jogs against his wrist in rowing; and also passing between the men, as they alternately sit at the opposite gunwales, to the leaded chocks or grooves in the extreme pointed prow of the boat, where a wooden pin or skewer the size of a common quill, prevents it from slipping out.
DAY 1 Rest DAY 2 Jog 2 lampposts, walk one lamppost for 15 minutes DAY 3 Rest DAY 4 Jog 10 minutes, walk until you catch your breath, jog for 5 minutes DAY 5 Rest DAY 6 Rest DAY 7 Jog for 20 minutes.
Jersey Oil & Gas (AIM: JOG), an independent upstream oil and gas company focused on the UK Continental Shelf ('UKCS') region of the North Sea, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded 100% working interest and operatorship of Block 21/2a in the OGA's 31st Supplementary Offshore Licensing Round.
JOG chief executive Andrew Benitz described the award of blocks in the Buchan field and J2 oil discovery as "the most significant event" in the five-year-old firm's history.
Dog Jog Liverpoolis a unique 5k jogging event for you and your dog to get fit and have fun.