jobseeker's allowance

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jobseeker's allowance

(Social Welfare) (in Britain) a National Insurance or social security payment for unemployed people; replaced unemployment benefit in 1996. Abbreviation: JSA
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"Our commitment to uprating these payments sees the amount of support provided to carers exceeding Jobseeker's Allowance for the first time this year.
Prosecutor Christian Jowett said Salem started claiming jobseeker's allowance and council tax benefit but failed to notify the Department for Work and Pensions and Cardiff Council when he got his job back and received backdated pay cheques.
According to the Department of Work and Pensions, the latest research shows that Universal Credit claimants spend more time looking for work, move into work quicker and stay in jobs for longer compared to those on Jobseeker's Allowance.
The Kirklees claimant count was 187 lower than in May at 6,266 while the number of young people claiming jobseeker's allowance was down by 85 at 1,455.
If the trend continues, the number of Jobseeker's Allowance claimants will fall below a million next month for the first time since September 2008.
But jobseeker's allowance was never intended as a wage subsidy.
Employment Minister Esther McVey, pictured, said: "We've seen more people move off benefits than even the experts predicted - with the number of additional people starting a new life off jobseeker's allowance filling Wembley twice over.
Under the scheme, under-25s on Jobseeker's Allowance for more than a year - two years for others - would have to take a taxpayer-subsidised job for six months or risk losing benefits.
It was also a victory for 40-year-old unemployed HGV driver Jamieson Wilson, from Nottingham, who objected to doing unpaid work cleaning furniture and as a result was stripped of his jobseeker's allowance for six months.
SNP MSP Kevin Stewart said: "George Osborne tried to justify his move by arguing that recently unemployed people should spend a week looking for work before receiving jobseeker's allowance. But these figures show that is already happening.
It was the 10th consecutive fall and was coupled with another cut in the number of people claiming jobseeker's allowance, which was down by 12,100 last month to 1.56 million, the lowest since June 2011.
But there was an increase of 1,600 in the number of women claiming jobseeker's allowance to 30,000, compared with a 7,500 fall among men, to just over a million.