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n. Vulgar Slang

[Origin unknown.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the total combination of characteristics that serve to identify a particular species of bird or plant
[origin obscure]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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182), a mycological equivalent of the avian 'jizz'; or you can get down and dirty with coprophilic fungi in some particularly febrile 'dungscapes' (see 'Disco in a cow pat' pp.
There are some exceptions, like the Alien films, which have female main characters in a mixed-sex crew that gets gored, crunched, beheaded, ruptured and dissolved in alien acid jizz with pleasing gender equality.
"I will miss your optimistic energy, your jizz, your sense of mischief, your ability to field questions without giving the smallest clue as to your attitude to the questions you were asked."
Keep an eye out for this species and its cousins.Any yellow and black,or orange and black, insect which looks like a bee or a wasp, but is somehow different, not quite right, (doesn't have the right 'jizz' as birdwatchers would say) is most likely to be a harmless, indeed beneficial, hover-fly.
From pop cultural examples found in Saturday Night Live skits like "Jizz In My Pants" (1), to pornographic movies by such performers as "Johnny Castle" (2) (whose scenes cross sexual boundaries) or "Brent Everett" (2008) (for gay male audiences) both notable for their sexual performances, there are numerous examples in which this superficially seeming, innocuous physiological function becomes powerfully equated with the masculine ideal.
You don't have to make it to Missouri to see for yourself, just go to YouTube and type "street jizz." Yes, street jizz.
By capturing the jizz of the taxidermic world, Milgrom has pulled back the curtain on a surprising and intense culture within which meat and animals--both dead and living--are very real." MAX WATMAN
Fetch - good Flim - a pounds 5 note Gopping - disgusting Grimmer - a grim or horrible person Hollage - used to indicate extreme amusement Jizz flakes - an expression denoting anger and frustration McFittie - attractive person, mainly used about men.
Its long shabby tertials and the sandy worn plumage of an adult bird mean laymen (and women) often mistake this lovely little passerine for a sparrow, but once it takes flight and calls, the grace and jizz of a typical lark are evident.
Naturally, we were more inclined to the latter and from a multitude of starters (seven actually), I found the idea of shallot tart tatin with balsamic jizz irresistible.