islands council

islands council

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in Scotland since 1975) any of the three divisions (Orkney, Shetland, and the Western Isles) into which the Scottish islands are divided for purposes of local government. See also region6
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Trading Standards teams within Orkney Islands Council, Highland Council, Western Isles Council, and Shetland Islands Council have all received such reports.
The Parliament's Presiding Officer Ken Macintosh has written to the returning officer of the Shetland Islands Council Jan-Robert Riise to confirm the date of the by-election.
Interestingly, in a televised interview [Channel 4 News, UK , 23rd of May 2019] The President Of The Chagos Islands Council said Chagossians, living in the UK, would prefer that The Chagos Archipelago remains a British Overseas Territory.
Internal flights to the six outer isles--Eday (EOI), North Ronaldsay (NRL), Papa Westray, Sanday(NDY), Stronsay (SOY) and Westray--are operated under a Public Service Obligation (PSO) contract awarded by Orkney Islands Council.
Shetland Islands Council also announced that its schools will be shut to pupils due to the forecast of strong winds and the possibility of lightning strikes.
The work from Orkney Islands Council will help sustain jobs and workloads at the Birkenhead shipyard.
Sir Peter Maxwell Davies was told by Orkney Islands Council that Charlie Ridley, the registrar on his home isle of Sanday, was not trained and therefore not authorised to perform the partnership ceremony for him and partner Colin Parkinson.
THE former chief executive of Shetland Islands Council died hours after being examined by a doctor who said he was "looking perfectly normal".
Speaking of region-wide services, he said: "It is incumbent on the Scottish Government and Shetland Islands Council to reach an accommodation and find a permanent solution to the ferry funding issue."
And now officials at Orkney Islands Council have ordered an investigation into the blunder, which cost an extra PS182,000.