insurance company

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Insurance company - a financial institution that sells insuranceinsurance company - a financial institution that sells insurance
nondepository financial institution - a financial institution that funds their investment activities from the sale of securities or insurance
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References in classic literature ?
His life was bounded, east, west, north, and south, by the Planet Insurance Company, which employed him; and that there were other ways in which a man might fulfil himself than by giving daily imitations behind a counter of a mechanical figure walking in its sleep had never seriously crossed his mind.
Harold, messenger to the Planet Insurance Company and one of the most assiduous money-borrowers in London, had listened to the office gossip about the legacy as if to the strains of some grand, sweet anthem.
The George who strolled that pleasant morning on the Promenade des Strangers differed both externally and internally from the George who had fallen out with Harold Flower in the offices of the Planet Insurance Company. For a day after his arrival he had clung to the garb of middle-class England.
The wedding presents were so numerous as to fill several rooms at the pretty retreat upon the Mole, and of an intrinsic value calling for a special transaction with the Burglary Insurance Company in Cheapside.
"A detective officer," I replied, "sent down by the Burglary Insurance Company."
The solicitor of the insurance company swore it was the blackest case that ever had come before him, talked of sending a commission to Aix to examine into the death, and the Company refused payment of the policy.
Caverly was what the world of New York, in 1832, called poor; that is to say, he had no known bank-stock, did not own a lot on the island, was director of neither bank nor insurance company, and lived in a modest two-story house, in White street.
"The Cooperative Commonwealth is a universal automatic insurance company and savings bank for all its members.
The harp is the travelling patterer for the Universe's Insurance Company, recommending its laws, and our little goodness is all the assessment that we pay.
He was a clerk in the employment of the Porphyrion Fire Insurance Company. Thus much from his card.
Nioche stared, as if he wondered what was coming next; but he promptly recovered himself, at a venture, and replied that he knew a very nice young man, employed by an insurance company, who would content himself with fifteen thousand francs.
Adamjee Insurance Company Limited###3,500###10.00###47.70###39.03###8,255,000

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