insofar as

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insofar as

To the extent that.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
jakv té míře
aî òví leyti sem
do tej miery, ako
elden geldiğinceolabildiği kadar

insofar as

[ˌɪnsəʊˈfɑːrəz] conjin quanto, nella misura in cui
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(in) preposition
1. describing the position of a thing etc which is surrounded by something else. My mother is in the house; in London; in bed.
2. showing the direction of movement. He put his hand in his pocket.
3. describing the time at, after or within which something happens. in the morning; I'll be back in a week.
4. indicating amount or relative number. They arrived in large numbers.
5. expressing circumstances, state, manner etc of an event, person etc. dressed in a brown coat; walking in the rain; in a hurry; written in English; He is in the army; books tied up in bundles; She is in her sixties.
adverb, adjective
1. expressing the position of a person etc, usually at or to a place where the person etc is expected to be, eg home, office, station. Is Mr Smith in?; Is the train in yet?; Is he coming in today?
2. describing something which is fashionable or popular. Short skirts are in at the moment.
3. (of the tide) with the water at, or moving to, its highest level. The tide is (coming) in.
describing an activity usually carried out by groups of people as a form of protest etc. a sit-in; a work-in.
inmostinnermostunder innerday etc in, day etc out
day etc after day etc without a break. I do the same boring job day in, day out; Last summer it rained week in, week out.
inasmuch as, in as much as
because; in consideration of the fact that. It would not be true to say he had retired from this firm, inasmuch as he still does a certain amount of work for us.
in for
likely to experience (especially something bad). We're in for some bad weather; You're in for it if you broke that window!
ins and outs
the complex details of a plan etc. He knows all the ins and outs of this scheme.
insofar as, in so far as
to the degree or extent that. I gave him the details insofar as I knew them.
in that
because; from the fact that. This is not a good plant for your garden in that its seeds are poisonous.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Insofar as Clayton was concerned it was a very different matter, since the girl was not only of his own kind and race, but was the one woman in all the world whom he loved.
He was a true Frenchman insofar as that, though he could be lively and engaging when it suited him, he became insufferably dull and wearisome as soon as ever the need for being lively and engaging had passed.
At his request she sang again as they continued their way along the winding tunnel, which was now lighted by occasional bulbs which appeared to be similar to the radium bulbs with which she was familiar and which were common to all the nations of Barsoom, insofar as she knew, having been perfected at so remote a period that their very origin was lost in antiquity.
"I am not going to prevent anything from happening insofar as the efforts of the PSC is concerned.
Insofar as the work slowdown consists of protecting people's rights less consistently, it is bad; insofar as it consists of violating people's rights less, it is good.
Summary: Marrakech - The tourist Vision 2020 puts sustainable development and the environment atop its priorities insofar as it provides for the optimal use of natural and cultural assets and resources for the sake of socio-economic growth in all regions of the Kingdom.
Fortunately, the computational burden can be overcome insofar as one is willing to incorporate assumptions on the latent structure, such as a bifactor or higher order structure within measurement occasions, and the assumption that the construct at a particular time point is independent of the construct at all previous time points given the construct at the immediately preceding time point (first order Markov assumption).
Summary: Tunisia will help Cameroon develop its tourism sector insofar as training of personnel, infrastructure, services and the promotion of the tourist offer in both countries, are concerned.
I believe for example that America is right to have invaded Iraq insofar as the invasion works well.
Prager opined, "Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible.
In April, after the company cut back on ad spending, the AFA claimed victory, saying, "Insofar as we can tell ...
Extending the right to petition for a writ of habeas corpus to Guantanamo prisoners is a good thing, and insofar as the ruling in Rasul v.