inquiry desk

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안내 데스크
bàn thông tin

inquiry desk

n (Brit) → (banco delle) informazioni fpl
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

inquiry desk

مَكْتَبُ الِاسْتِعْلامات informace informationsskranke Informationsschalter γραφείο πληροφοριών información, mostrador de información informaatiopiste bureau de renseignements info pult banco informazioni 照会デスク 안내 데스크 inlichtingenbureau kundesenter punkt informacyjny balcão de informação, balcão de informações справочное бюро informationsdisk โต๊ะสอบถาม danışma bàn thông tin 问讯台
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
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The inquiry desk for merchants is for registered merchants.
A transgender woman helps customers at the inquiry desk. On four of the metro's stations, passengers can go into a special cubicle to breastfeed their babies.
I finally stood dripping water at the red and white inquiry desk thrusting my wet woolly hat into my coat pocket and attempting to look like the kind of person who might be allowed to see the most valuable book in the country" (145-6).
At Bateman's supermarket in Caerphilly where a special decimalisation inquiry desk with staff ready to deal with queries was set up, no-one consulted them during the first half of the morning.
Crime analysts, inquiry desk officers, trainers, criminal justice clerks and a wide range of vital operational and organisational support roles are also involved.
You can call up at the hotel inquiry desk at +91 2168-241060/61/62 and ask for registration details or visit the web-site for details.
While I was on the inquiry desk at Stadacona Hospital, a steam pipe burst in the dockyard, and two men were hit with the pressure of the steam.
A man and wife, weary of flicking through the Till Valley Archaeology Society's pamphlets detailing Victorian-Edwardian life in local villages, approached the tiny green-baize table I had assigned as my "Inquiry Desk".
A NEW police inquiry desk has been set up in Bedworth.
Silver stars were available free of charge from the inquiry desk in the main entrance which could be hung on the tree with a special message of remembrance.
He said only the futures of Laird Street and the main station in Birkenhead would be considered, and there would be an inquiry desk for the public in the new HQ.