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The state or quality of being insipid:
Informal: wishy-washiness.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Second, even if the contents expressed by both participants in C3 are inert with respect to any "reductive effect" on the score, this innocuousness is only temporary: by being "stocked" in the record, the content themselves remain pending for a subsequent point of re-assessment, whereby the facts prove retrospectively whose statement was right and whose wrong.
We are more and more conscious of the need to surround ourselves with the maximum possible guarantees concerning the efficacy and the innocuousness of medicinal recipes from plants.
innocuousness, PC-conformity, and of course connections, connections,
In Afghanistan, the most probable outcome is that the ICC will continue to expose its innocuousness and breed cynicism about international justice and the people in charge of it.
"Close reading" appears to be a phrase that won out over alternatives because of its innocuousness. "Reading" was harmless enough relative to the literary baggage carried by "criticism" and "scholarship." Similarly, "close" was more commonplace and commonsensical compared to adjectives like "practical" and "intensive." Who could possibly object to reading closely?
Its vague generality, its seeming innocuousness and the implication that it is simply another alternative in the pantheon of conservative beliefs belie its true nature.
While most Tactical Walls products offer locking devices, their security lies in their innocuousness. They just don't look like anything other than furniture, and while Tactical Walls eliminates the cost of custom furniture, this doesn't mean its products are cheaply made.