ink stain

ink stain



a mark made by ink
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
A poor man is despised the whole world over; despised as much by a Christian as by a lord, as much by a demagogue as by a footman, and not all the copy-book maxims ever set for ink stained youth will make him respected.
There were ink stains upon it, and he suddenly discovered that he was fond of it.
She would not sit down, but stood by the fire dipping her inky middle finger in the egg-cup, which contained vinegar, and smearing it over the ink stains on her face, frowning the whole time and looking very gloomy.
Consequently, we must not allow these fire tragedies to be like an ink stain on a white page; the memory of the horrors must not be swept under a carpet.
Other silly claims include: -People casting blank votes in protest -People feeling obligated to vote -Individuals with government jobs having an ink stain on the finger to show they voted -Those without the ink stain viewed as having dissatisfaction with the government -Individuals without an election stamp on their ID cards viewed with suspicion for future government positions- This is not the first time that corporate media outlets are attempting to interfere in and undermine the election process.
Meanwhile, in the western city of Herat, voters who complained to officials about anti-fraud measures said they had used bleach to remove the ink stain.
If you observe no unfavourable results, remove the ink stain using the alcohol soaked cotton ball by rubbing on the stain in a circular motion.
- P Boyce, Lee, South-East London THE removal of an ink stain on a white shirt can be made easier by rubbing with white toothpaste into t h e s t a i n u s i n g a toothbrush or nailbrush.
Anyone not showing a red ink stain on their finger would be asked later in a survey why they couldn't make it to the voting booth and would usually leave with a vivid red mark put somewhere on their body, so that they were not accidentally counted twice within the same rigorous survey.
This was illustrated by a large picture of a Birmingham A-Z map with what appears to be an ink stain on one page.
The ink stain is actually documented in history books.
Cryptoccosis was ruled out due to absence of large spores and negative Indian ink stain. Histopathological features exhibiting 2-4[micro]m spores with a clear halo was suggestive of histoplasmosis which was confirmed by Gommori's methenamine silver stain.