

to join up; uniteto break up; unjoint; disjoint
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Osman added that Egypt can be a good market for the translated Korean mobile gaming applications so the cooperation with Korea will bea win-win situation, noting that his ministry aims to transfer the Korean technology and collaborate injoint Research and Development (R&D) projects.
"Massachusetts Health Reform and Disparities injoint Replacement Use: Difference in Differences Study." BMJ350: h440.
Figure 2 shows that the overall trend injoint replacement is very similar to that of the control for the time period studied.
Based on the experience of recent conflicts, the requirements of network centric warfare evidently emphasizes the necessity to develop in optimum conditions the focused logistics that will permit the adequate support of the forces engaged injoint military operations, as well as the optimum process of rapid response force projection in operation theatres / areas with a duration of notification significantly smaller than at present.
The USACBRNS leadership remains committed to being the world leader injoint, interagency, and multinational chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear training and education.
There was the slightest increase, 0.03 mm, injoint space width in those with stable disease.
Attempting to provide joint integration using only service and agency systems and technical approaches will result in continued deficiencies injoint force capabilities.
The formulation combines patent-pending nexrutine, which is said to deliver fast reduction injoint discomfort, with glucos amine and chondroitin, which help promote joint health.
Ahtna also had changed from being a participant injoint ventures to actively pursuing contracts as the lead partner in joint ventures or on contracts on its own behalf.