inhalation anesthesia

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Related to inhalation anesthesia: intravenous anesthesia
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Noun1.inhalation anesthesia - general anesthesia achieved by administration of an inhalation anesthetic
general anaesthesia, general anesthesia - a state of total unconsciousness resulting from anesthetic drugs (as for a major surgical operation)
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Therefore, some scholars propose reducing the dosage of inhalation anesthetics or replacing inhalation anesthesia with intravenous anesthetics to protect patients' cognitive function.
M2 PRESSWIRE-August 21, 2019-: Inhalation Anesthesia Market is projected to register a CAGR of 3.8% By 2025, Global Industry Analysis By Size, Share, Analysis, Regional Trends, Comprehensive Growth and Business Opportunities
Patients with age <18 years, emergent surgeries, unplanned explorative laparotomy, combined inhalation anesthesia with propofol or other inhaled anesthetics besides DES, or incomplete data were excluded from the study.
(2018), however, found a suppression effect on heart rate, blood pressure and saturation of oxygen with the use of both injectable and inhalation anesthesia in rabbits.
Animals were separated in groups according to the surgical procedure performed under general inhalation anesthesia: abdominal surgeries - ABD (n=15), arthroscopies - ART (n=17), other orthopedic surgeries - ORT (n=18) and a mixed group - MIX (n=18) which were composed by elective surgeries like reduction of umbilical hernias, castration, sarcoid removal, upper airway surgery and reduction of cervix laceration.
Anesthesiologists, in particular, should consider the increased risk of bleeding associated with inhalation anesthesia over noninhalational agents when individualizing the anesthetic technique for patients presenting for induced abortion, especially those with anemia or increased risk of bleeding.
thiopental induction and rocuronium injection may reduce the hypnotic effect and cause rocuronium injection pain, that anesthetic depth should be ensured before the rocuronium injection, and that using inhalation anesthesia immediately after the i.v.
In the subgroup analysis [Figure 4], intravenous anesthesia combined with inhalation anesthesia (1, total intravenous anesthesia) produced OIs that were significantly improved in both groups ( P < 0.0001 and P = 0.001), but there were no significant differences between the groups ( P = 0.495).{Figure 4}