inflectional suffix

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Noun1.inflectional suffix - an inflection that is added at the end of a root word
ending, termination - the end of a word (a suffix or inflectional ending or final morpheme); "I don't like words that have -ism as an ending"
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(11) Examples of !Xun nouns taking the inflectional suffix -mhe (Konig & Heine 2008) Singular Plural Meaning Non-derived source a.
In other words, the argument of the [V.sub.1] and object of the sentence is not identical in 4(d) and the second element does not host the assertive inflectional suffix (rV) and make a semantically correct structure in relation to the object of the sentence as in 4 (f) which could only be allowed when used figuratively.
Czech exploits what can be called a "cumulation" of functions, that is, one inflectional suffix conveys as a rule several grammatical categories; for nouns, adjectives and pronouns (as well as numerals) the categories expressed by the affixes are gender, number and case.
The example in (41) with a (monosyllabic) inflectional suffix demonstrates the crucial role of Align(PWd,[??],SD,[??]): -nak must be integrated into the PWord starting with the lexical stem (41a) since leaving it without PWord structure (41c) or assigning a separate PWord to it (41b) leads to a PWord ([(lat) ][??]) which is separated by one syllable from the right edge of the Spellout Domain and violates Align(PWd, [??],SD, [??]): (41) l[??]t-nak, 'they see' Input: l[??][??]t + Align Align Align Align ana[??]k (LEX, [??], (HdFoot, (PWd, [??], (Ft, [??], PWd, [??]) [??], PWd, SD, [??]) PWd, [??]) [??]) a.
If the <e> represents an inflectional suffix, its absence can be interpreted as evidence of morphological loss.
The linking element cannot be considered as an inflectional ending since in most of the cases presented above (12a-b, 14a-c) the inflectional suffix of the adjective is different from the form of the linking element.
Second, German monosyllables consisting of 9 and 10 letters are also plentiful, although it should be added that these examples have in common that they all contain an inflectional suffix, e.g.
At this point, a further clarification is needed with respect to the question of why it is the stem, and not the inflectional suffix, that gets specified for a particular gender value, since both the stem and the inflectional suffix contain the inflection-class information that is crucial to the gender-value assignment.
Additionally, in both languages there is a clear distinction between derivational and inflectional suffix slots (Skalicka 1979, Manova 2011a), on the one hand, and between purely derivational, i.e., non-evaluative, and evaluative suffix slots, on the other hand (Manova 2010, 2011b).
He covers social setting and language ecology, segmental sound patterns, morphologically specific sound patterns, finite verb stem inflection, predicate inflectional suffixes, nominal and phrasal morphology, complex verbs and compounding, and Murrinhpatha wordhood and gradient morphology.