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n (of idea)Einprägen nt, → Festsetzen nt; (Ling) → Einfügung f
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On iterative infixation. Change, Charles B., and Hannah J Haynie, eds.
Our 100 basic comparables represent 12 complex comparables, including prefixation, suffixation, prefixal-suffixal derivation, circumfixation, infixation, postfixation, compounding, conversion, reduplication, blending and internal modification.
All examples of derived EXTTs in MTC belong to what is known in Arabic as al-ishtiqaq al-saghir (simple derivation), where "[t]he stem is modified by prefixation, suffixation, infixation, or more than one of these processes according to well-structured models ' 'awzan/formulas'" (Stetkevych, 1970, p.
segmentable because they reflect from either suffixation or prefixation (rarely infixation)" Bender (2000).
A somewhat comical example comes from English expletive infixation, "where the expletive prefixes to a stressed syllable...
He classified internal plural forms into four types: change of a vowel/ diphthong, replacement of a pattern with or without a suffix, replacement of a pattern with Vb infixation and change of marked feminine singulars without a feminine suffix.
(1) The structural part of this analysis resorts to standard terminology, in terms of which affixation can be broken down into confixation (when affixes do not interrupt roots and are not interrupted themselves, as in suffixation, prefixation, and interfixation), infixation (when affixes that interrupt roots but are not interrupted themselves), circumfixation (when affixes do not interrupt roots but are interrupted themselves) and transfixation (when affixes interrupt roots and are intemipted by elements of roots themselves).
The remaining five papers are cases studies examining particular theoretical issues within OT, including the acoustics of epenthetic vowels in Lebanese Arabic, the onset of the prosodic word, infixation as morpheme absorption, and vowel length in Arabic verb stems.
Infixation. In Morphologie: ein internationales Handbuch zur Flexion und Wortbildung: Morphology: An International Handbook on Inflection and Word- Formation: Volume 1, Geert E.
I will now show, that as for the analysis of Tibetan words eleven morphological and morpho-phonological categories are available, namely prefixation (1), suffixation (2), infixation (3), vowel variation or ablaut (4), variation in place of articulation (5), variation in manner of articulation (6), assimilation (7), dissimilation (8), metathesis (9), elision (10), contraction (11).
Infixation versus Onset Metathesis in Taglog, Camarro, and Toba Batak.
Chapter 6 focuses on the ludic element in word-formation, and Chapter 7 is a real ragbag allegedly about infixation. We reach solider ground in Chapters 8 and 9 about disguised compounds and reanalyses of various kinds, where well-understood processes of phonetic attrition and boundary-shifting are introduced.