indeterminate sentence

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indeterminate sentence

(Law) law a prison sentence the length of which depends on the prisoner's conduct
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And at the time of the offences in January, he was on licence from an indeterminate sentence, which he has since been recalled to prison to continue serving.
Judge Mark Wall on Friday sentenced Lloyd Gunton to an indeterminate sentence after concluding he had a total "disregard for human life."
Edwards was sentenced as a 'dangerous' offender and given an indeterminate sentence for public protection of which he was ordered to serve at least six-andhalf years before parole can be considered.
Richard Huxley was given an indeterminate sentence for public protection, in February, 2006, for attempted robbery and assault and ordered to serve a minimum of two years.
He was sentenced at Manchester City Crown Court in November 2008 to an indeterminate sentence with a minimum of 56 months term of imprisonment.
He was serving an indeterminate sentence at the Pe Sakastew Centre in Maskwacis at the time of the escorted visit.
Bronson, who has attacked prison staff, wrote: "I am one of the forgotten IPP (indeterminate sentence for public protection) prisoners, left behind after IPP was deemed unlawful in 2012."
Lee Middleton, 32, was eight years into an indeterminate sentence for carrying out a string of armed robberies when he slipped out of HMP Hewell in June to commit the aggravated burglary.
He later admitted the escape at Teesside Crown Court via video link and was sentenced to another 56 days to be served concurrently with his indeterminate sentence. He was then taken to Stockton's Holme House Prison.
California has some of the strictest standards in the nation regarding the release of inmates serving indeterminate sentences. Proposition 9, a ballot initiative more commonly known as Marsy's Law, was passed by California voters in 2008.13 This law increased the minimum length of a parole denial for a person serving an indeterminate sentence from one to three years..
Soriano, in his 17-page decision, gave the two accused an indeterminate sentence of "six years and one day of prision mayor as minimum, to twelve years of reclusion temporal as maximum." San Juan and Bolo's counsel, Crystal Tenorio, said they will appeal the conviction and will file anew a motion for bail.
"He is a dangerous individual and the indeterminate sentence means he should not be released from prison until experts are satisfied that he no longer poses a threat to our community."