in haste

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: haste - in a hurried or hasty manner; "the way they buried him so hurriedly was disgraceful"; "hastily, he scanned the headlines"; "sold in haste and at a sacrifice"
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(heist) noun
(too much) speed. Your work shows signs of haste – there are too many mistakes in it.
hasten (ˈheisn) verb
1. to (cause to) move with speed. He hastened towards me; We must hasten the preparations.
2. to do at once. He hastened to add an explanation.
ˈhasty adjective
1. done etc in a hurry. a hasty snack.
2. acting or done with too much speed and without thought. She is too hasty – she should think carefully before making such an important decision; a hasty decision.
3. easily made angry. a hasty temper.
ˈhastily adverb
ˈhastiness noun
in haste
in a hurry; quickly. I am writing in haste before leaving for the airport.
make haste
to hurry.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
He said that Pakistan had served the refugees for about four decades and warned that any decision taken in haste would not only cause hatred, but it might also affect Pakistan's position in the continued process for restoration of peace.
Antiporda's reaction came after Tanada said the rehabilitation of Manila Bay should not be done in haste and this government action can only put the country in more debts.
Justice Nisar directed the authorities concerned to handle the matter with care and to avoid dismissals carried out in haste or under pressure.
Summary: Avoid dismissals carried out in haste or under pressure, Pakistan court tells authorities
Summary: Bulandshahr (Uttar Pradesh), India, Dec 29 (ANI): BJP MLA Devendra Singh Lodhi on Friday stirred a controversy in Bulandshahr violence case stating that inspector Subodh Kumar shot himself in haste after he became hopeless.
"You do everything in haste which only results in PTI's loss."
Nisar stated that Indian govt had hanged Ajmal Kasab in haste to use Mumbai attacks as tool for carrying on propaganda against Pakistan.
IANS New Delhi Under attack over his decision on rejecting the impeachment motion against the Chief Justice of India, Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday said the decision came after over a month of due diligence and was not done in haste. The decision was also in strict conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and the Judges Inquiry Act of 1968, he told a delegation of ten lawyers of Supreme Court who met him to compliment him on the order, sources said.
The convict Imran requested the court to set aside the ATC's verdict which he maintained was made in haste and no legal procedure was adopted.
National Security Committee in its emergent meeting under chairmanship of PM Abbasi in Islamabad has reviewed President Trump's latest tirade against Pakistan and despite its being quite provocative has quite wisely decided not to react to this in haste at all.
"Marry in Haste" by Susan Van Kirk is the story of two lives lived over a hundred years apart, both of which illustrate the resilience of women in the small town of Endurance.
However, the Anfield history books also provide examples of the dangers of spending in haste and repenting at leisure.