


, implementing
adjausführend; implementary regulations plAusführungsbestimmungen pl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The CCB he says, is an implementary body, "obligated to deal with the complaint when it is passed down to them from the court."
It has to do with the seamless convergence of cooperation and security--a relationship obscured by rhetoric which elides the barriers that effectively neuter the implementary capacity of bilateral policies, while continuing to promote bilateralism as an apolitical end goal.
That is a good declaration of intent but because there are no implementary regulations, that particular canon "is of no use whatsoever," von Sury said.
To be frank, it is unfortunate that we still lack a comprehensive foreign policy on Afghanistan, with a clear set of policy goals and implementary tracks to achieve them.
Nonetheless, I am encouraged that, having proven to their firms that they deserve a seat at the table, a refreshing number of senior marketers are fully integrated into their firms' leadership circles and appreciated equally for their strategic and implementary skills.
as executive implementary measures, are binding on the states under the
[section] 8865 grants the Coast Guard general implementary powers, not the authority to forcibly remove a master from his vessel.
Implementary agreements are required between the individual unions and railroads involved and are negotiated under protective conditions specified by the ICC, for example, with respect to minimum pay guarantees or separation payments.
"Guanyu quxiao xindai guimo guanli de xianshi tiaojian yu shishi buzhou" (On the actual requirements for and implementary steps of abolishing the administration of the credit volume).