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1. Having no flaws; perfect. See Synonyms at perfect.
2. Not capable of sinning or not liable to sin.

[Latin impeccābilis : in-, not; see in-1 + peccāre, to sin; see ped- in Indo-European roots.]

im·pec′ca·bil′i·ty n.
im·pec′ca·bly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.impeccability - the quality of being without an error or fault
correctness - the quality of conformity to social expectations
2.impeccability - the quality of being exempt from sin or incapable of sinning
righteousness - adhering to moral principles
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Characteristics of the Prophets All the prophets of Allah share the following attributes: Impeccability Prophets are impeccable, meaning that they never commit sins.
First the impeccability After earning his PhD at Indiana University in 1980, Jerry did a brief stint at Queens College, CUNY, before taking a position in 1982 at Wayne State University, where he remains unto this day He climbed the traditional academic ladder to become full Professor of English starting in 1993.
In the course of the third round, yesterday, the Thai trio were in no mood to relent at any stage and through precision and impeccability in application of golfing expertise, they demonstrated ample control over the proceedings.
In the course of the third round yesterday, the Thai trio were in no mood to relent at any stage and through precision and impeccability in application of golfing expertise, they demonstrated ample control over the proceedings.
Steadily, quietly, he brings new contacts and acquaintances to The Hills, primarily for lunch, occasionally for dinner, always polite, and always with this impeccability in attire and manners.
"I need to point out that in seeking to develop moral literacy, whether in ourselves or in others, we are not after the achievement of absolute moral perfection or impeccability. That would be an unrealistic expectation.
In a sense, as an attempt to alleviate such anxiety, having faith in the impeccability of orator's ethos worked quite well.
Augustine Toe recently published by FrontPage Africa are not only damaging and deleterious, but they have brought the integrity and impeccability of Liberia's premier anti-corruption watchdog (LACC) into question.
Youssef Hussein, an online satirist and supporter of Morsi, dedicated his online show Joe Tube to criticizing the military while breaking down its myth of impeccability. Relying on simple resources, Hussein set up his camera to record videos in his Nasr City apartment.
The poet introduces a medley of early childhood attributes and images in order to bring to life adolescenza in his poem, especially through those childlike traits that foreground the need for an adult's support such as portability, fearfulness, nescience, emotionality, reliance, and incomprehension; nonetheless, childhood innocence, as a state of complete impeccability and blamelessness, is the only trait excluded from being applied to the pilgrim and understandably so: the pilgrim could have never been portrayed in a condition without the possibility of sinning.
Meanwhile, the recent most attacks (in France, Belgium and Denmark) further strained the already charged anti-Muslim and anti-Islam atmosphere, and therefore demand further effort on part of theMuslims in Europe to ascertain the impeccability of their community.
When, in its rarity but impeccability, my heart and mind were in sync when it came to matters of the heart as lovely as you.