impact zone

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impact zone

The spot on a wave where the water is just about to collapse and explode, entailing the greatest opportunity and danger for a surfer.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"The way we get aid in currently is from locally sourced aid loaded on vessels in Nassau being sent up to the impact zone," Rettig said.
That way, both the impact zone and point of eruption will be in the same place, instead of being in two different danger areas.
Central Ward is a cumulative impact zone, meaning there is a special requirement for licensing decisions to prevent crime and protect children.
It also fell in a 'cumulative impact zone' and public spaces protection order area, measures imposed to help tackle alcohol misuse problems particularly around the Avion Centre, situated directly opposite the store.
ProFood Tech's free educational programming, called the Knowledge Hub, will take place at three venues on the show floor: The IMPACT Zone, INNOVATION Zone and DISRUPTION Zone.
* The Impact Zone will encourage interactive discussions and offer opportunities to learn from the experiences and successes of industry colleagues.
Sessions will take place at three locations: the Impact Zone, the Innovation Zone and the Disruption Zone.
Councillor Mike Leddy (Lab, Brandwood and King's Heath) called for a cap on the number of bookmakers in certain areas to be imposed by a similar mechanism to the council's Cumulative Impact Zone (CIZ) policy, which restricts how many alcohol establishments can open up in one place.
Marine biologist David Nairn said: "She's within 1600ft of the piledriving so she's in the impact zone.
The report also said residential developments have been built with 1,860 new housing units in the impact zone and there has been a 16 percent increase in the number of jobs.