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the following of Islamic beliefs and practices
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Both of them hail from Banaripara of Barishal and they are directors of Banaripara Ummah Network and Ibadah Dotcom, Faruki added.
They worshipped Allah (swt) in honoured Majalis and filled the skies with their Ibadah, not leaving even a span of four fingers in between.
I ask Allah SWT to bless you all, to accept our Ibadah, and to free us all from the hellfire.
What I started to do this year is take a long-term approach to my ibadah (worship).
If in Ramadan, fasting, taraveh, charity, recitation of holy Quran and other extra Ibadah fail to hammer our conscious to the realization of (Haq and Batil), then this holy month can give us nothing except 15 hours long pause of hunger.
Prayer itself is an 'Ibadah, and Allah Almighty gives reward on each prayer along with the fulfillment of the supplicator's need.
Dr Arif Alvi said the Imam, who speaks to his community from the stage every Friday, needs to be guided that along with advice on rituals and practice of Ibadah, his exhortations should also be for important social issues.
He underscored," As Islam is a complete code of life, therefore, the Imam, who speaks to his community from the 'Minbar' every Friday, needs to be guided that, along with advice on rituals and practice of Ibadah (prayers), his exhortations should also be for important social issues."
He underscored," As Islam is a complete code of life, therefore, the Imam, who speaks to his community from the 'Minbar' every Friday, needs to be guided that, along with advice on rituals and practice of Ibadah (prayers), his exhortations should also be for important social issues." The President emphasized that Taharat (cleanliness) was Sunnah and acting upon that Sunnah, they could prevent communicable diseases, which currently made up 41% of the total diseases in Pakistan.
The iDinar platform is a blockchain based e-token, in which its initial value of one dinar e-token is backed by 1gm of physical gold, Ibadah Inc executive chairman Faidzan Hassan told Gulf Times on the sidelines of the launch event.
Ibadah (the real purpose for human beings and Jinn) described by Allah SWT is not only the name of offering prayers, Hajj,Umra, and paying Zakat.