housing scheme

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housing scheme

1. (Social Welfare) a local-authority housing plan
2. (Architecture) the houses built according to such a plan; housing estate
Often shortened to: scheme
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Metro Politian Planning and Traffic Engineering (MP and TE) Directorate RDA under section Punjab Private Housing Schemes and Land Subdivision Rules 2010 Rules 2010 on Wednesday issued legal notices to the owners of five illegal housing schemes namely New Airport Town, Airport Residencia, CBR Employees Cooperative Housing Scheme (CBR ECHS) Phase-II, CBR Residencia and Blue Hills Farm Houses Islamabad.
Meanwhile, Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has started strict action against illegal housing schemes and demolished one under-construction building, sealed site office and dismantled sign boards of Avenue Housing Scheme near new Islamabad International Airport for being illegal.
KARACHI -- Special Assistant to CM Sindh, Nawab Ali Wassan has directed to concerned NGO to immediately complete remaining work in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Scheme. This he said while presiding over a meeting here in his office on Wednesday regarding development work in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Housing Scheme.
Speaking at a meeting of the Rawalpindi District Housing Committee at the DC office in Rawalpindi on Sunday, he said that a housing scheme spread over two acres off the Grand Trunk (GT) Road was also under consideration.
RAWALPINDI -- Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering Directorate of Rawalpindi Development Authority directed owner of a housing scheme, Blue World City, Chakri Road, to stop advertisements through print/electronic and social media, a spokesman said on Saturday.
RAWALPINDI: The Rawalpindi Development Authority (RDA) has declared Bin Alam City Housing Scheme an illegal project.RDA, while deciding to register a case against the project, directed the said housing scheme to stop its illegal publicity campaign and issued a notice under the Punjab Private Housing Scheme and Land sub-division rules 2010 in order to stop advertisement of the illegal housing scheme forthwith.
He said that RDA had time and again warned people against making investment in any unauthorised housing scheme which was declared illegal by RDA.
RDA advises general public in their own interest that they should not make any investment in any illegal housing scheme which status declared illegal by RDA.
The approval was given by the Chief Minister while chairing a meeting at the Chief Misters house regarding progress on the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
According to him, the Metropolitan Planning and Traffic Engineering Director Ali Imran directed owner of CBR Residencia, Girja Road Rawalpindi, which is also part of the CBR Employees Cooperative Housing Scheme Phase-II, to stop advertisements and development.
KHAIRPUR -- The Special Assistant to the Sindh CM Nawab Ali Wassan paid a visit to the under construction Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Housing Scheme on Saturday.

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