hot cockles

hot cockles

(Games, other than specified) (functioning as singular) (formerly) a children's game in which one blindfolded player has to guess which other player has hit him
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I played at hot cockles, last night, at my Lord of Leicester's.
"Lord Surrey and Lord Leicester sound fine, but hot cockles, and red mittens, and shoes for three shillings, are horrid."
Hot Cockles was a medieval festive game where blindfolded people had to guess who was hitting them
London, Dec 24 (ANI): A game called 'Hot Cockles,' which involved placing your head in someone's lap while guessing who was hitting you from behind, used to be a hit with families at Christmas 200 years ago, reveals a book from 1801.
Here were kept up the old games of hoodman blind, shoe the wild mare, hot cockles, steal the white loaf, bob apple and snapdragon.
Here the old games were still played: hoodman blind, shoe-the-wild-mare, hot cockles, steal-the-white-loaf, bob apple and snap-dragon.