hostile force

hostile force

Any civilian, paramilitary, or military force or terrorist(s), with or without national designation, that have committed a hostile act, exhibited hostile intent, or have been declared hostile by appropriate US authority.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in classic literature ?
Nothing horrid was visible in the air, yet their progress had become slow and laboured, exactly as if they were pushing their way through hostile forces. Sometimes they hung in the air until Peter had beaten on it with his fists.
Poorly planted, by politics, illy attended, by politics, decimated and many times repeatedly decimated by the hostile forces of their environment, a straggling corporal's guard of survivors, they thrust their branches, twisted and distorted, as if writhing in agony, into the air.
Perhaps he was the old Germanic god Beowa, and his exploits originally allegories, like some of those in the Greek mythology, of his services to man; he may, for instance, first have been the sun, driving away the mists and cold of winter and of the swamps, hostile forces personified in Grendel and his mother.
"For gallantry in action while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, Specialist Four Rech distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous action on 6 October 1969, while serving as team leader during a reconnaissance patrol in Tay Ninh province.
1797: Welsh reservists defeated a much larger French force which had come ashore at Fishguard in the hope of marching on Bristol and inspiring a general rising along the way: it proved to be the last invasion of the British mainland by a hostile force. 1802: Richard Trevithick's steam engine pulled a 10-ton load 9 miles along a track from Penydarren Ironworks to Abercynon, proving that steam locomotion was technically feasible: damage to the tracks from the heavy locomotive meant the experiment was not immediately followed up.
The teenager who killed Katie Rough in York in January may have been trying to prove the youngster was not a robot, as she had "irrational beliefs" about how people "may not be human and may be controlled by a higher and hostile force", a court heard.
On Nov 26th, 1968, as described in the award citation while flying a UH-1F, Lieutenant James Fleming "went to the aid of a 6-man special forces long range reconnaissance patrol that was in danger of being overrun by a large, heavily armed hostile force. ...
Mr Kohler, a club owner, said: "Within my domain I had this hostile force. I felt incredibly protective.
forces also were authorized to respond to a "hostile force" that used Syrian or Iranian territory to attack U.S.
Not for more than thirty years, until its founding generation had passed from the scene, would the trauma of the 1910 fires begin to heal and would the nation's leading agency for administering wildlands consider fire as anything but a hostile force to be fought to the death.
Here, Machiavelli, like a movie director "who re-films the same scene over and over, changing it a bit each time" (112), turns the story of the murder from a report, hastily written for his superiors in Florence, into a "spettaculo," and ultimately, in the Prince, into an esemplo embodying the concept that the "use of one's virtu can overcome the hostile force of Fortuna" (119).
In order to create her sculptures, Abakanowicz peels the bark, cuts off the limbs, and inserts metal devices into tree trunks, making them look like subjects of double torture, first by an unknown hostile force, then by the artist herself.