hospitality suite

hospitality suite

a room or suite, as at a conference, where free drinks are offered
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Council officers plan to take enforcement action against the club which could see a number of developments go, including its main 3G pitch, changing rooms and a hospitality suite at the Aspray 24 Arena in Noose Lane, Willenhall.
Room managers will be required to supervise a hospitality suite or area on a matchday including the management of the room supervisors.
Try to place a guest's hospitality suite within close proximity to the resident they are visiting.
And the return to the Simple Digital Arena will also see the hospitality suite packed out for the unfurling of the Championship flag.
It will be on television in the Mercedes hospitality suite, and I'm sure my engineers are going to keep an eye on it.
Emirates, the title sponsor of the $10 million Dubai World Cup, the world's richest day of horse racing, kept guests entertained away from the track in the airline's hospitality suite in the Meydan Grandstand.
Emirates, the Title Sponsor of the US$10 million Dubai World Cup, the world's richest day in racing, entertained guests off the track at the airline's hospitality suite located in the Meydan Grandstand.
Emirates, the Title Sponsor of the $10 million Dubai World Cup, the world's richest day in racing, entertained guests off the track at the airline's hospitality suite located in the Meydan Grandstand.
The defending champion recorded the clip from his team's hospitality suite and accompanied it with the words: "There's barely any diversity in F1.
HOSPITALITY SUITE: Two Abegweit Branch volunteers, Karen Spears and Anita Coffin, managed the hospitality suite refreshments and ordering of supplies.
On Friday as people get registered, they will have time to get settled into their room, lounge by the pool or hang out in the hospitality suite. Friday night is the annual bar crawl, which will start out with a tour of Wheat State Distilling to learn how they turn Kansas wheat into vodka or whiskey.
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