

(Dancing) dancing dialect Scot a Highland reel
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References in periodicals archive ?
Irene Glasser and Kathleen Hirsch, as well as Jennifer Hoolachan and Megan Ravenhill focus on animating and "giving life" to the often flat, unidimensional renderings of homelessness today.
1989; Jennifer Hoolachan, "Ethnography and Homelessness Research," International Journal of Housing Policy November (23) 2015; & Megan Ravenhill, The Culture of Homelessness: An Ethnographic Study.
Glenmavis resident John Hoolachan contacted the Advertiser to say: "Our main concern is about the volume of traffic - building 150 houses is going to lead to as many as another 300 vehicles, two per house, accessing the new development along Windsor Drive.