honorary degree

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Noun1.honorary degree - a degree conferred to honor the recipienthonorary degree - a degree conferred to honor the recipient
academic degree, degree - an award conferred by a college or university signifying that the recipient has satisfactorily completed a course of study; "he earned his degree at Princeton summa cum laude"
ArtsD, Doctor of Arts - an honorary arts degree
Doctor of Fine Arts - an honorary degree in fine arts
Doctor of Humane Letters - an honorary degree in letters
Doctor of Humanities - an honorary degree in the humanities
Doctor of Laws, LLD - an honorary law degree
Doctor of Science, ScD, DS - an honorary degree in science
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References in classic literature ?
last June, the first of his race," said Governor Wolcott, "to receive an honorary degree from the oldest university in the land, and this for the wise leadership of his people." When Mr.
He received honorary degrees, first from Dublin and then from Oxford, so that he became Dr.
He was given honorary degrees by learned universities, and he made speeches and talked of Hindu social reform to English ladies in evening dress, till all London cried, "This is the most fascinating man we have ever met at dinner since cloths were first laid."
He will receive an honorary degree of doctor of business administration.
According to the decisions taken by the former elected members of the council no honorary degrees would any further be registered by the PMDC.
Official sources said that PMDC had registered the honorary degree of one of its member Dr Amir Bilal on which rest of the members had raised objections declaring it an act against rules and regulations.
'In 2014-15, the CPSP had informed the council that it had issued only three honorary degrees. However, we observed that since the CPSP issues certificates of FCPS without exit exams and does not mention honorary degree on them, certificate holders can get them registered with the council,' he said.
Aberdeen University said Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah's LLD (Doctor of Laws), awarded in 1995, will be raised with its honorary degrees committee.
The three midwifed a power-sharing deal that quelled tensions in Kenya arising from the disputed 2007 polls.PROMOTE PEACEMr Kenyatta equally has another honorary degree from Moi University awarded in 2013 "for his efforts to promote peace and unity".
"I appreciate the honorary degree and pledge to continue working strongly with Raila and all Kenyans to build a safer, more united, prosperous Kenya with equity for all," he said.
Queen's University President and Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ian Greer, said: "We are delighted to award an honorary degree to Hillary Rodham Clinton."
According to the school's Facebook page, Matsunaga received an honorary degree in Doctor of Humanities major in Community Services and Development.