

(Zoology) (of an animal) completing its life cycle in the ocean depths
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Stylet increment analysis has been successfully applied to a range of octopus, including both holobenthic and merobenthic species (Table 1).
Species Validated Study Holobenthic Octopus pallidus Yes Doubleday et al.
Either the ancestor was holopelagic (and therefore planktotrophic) and a new sexually mature benthic stage was added to the life cycle with the pelagic, planktotrophic stage retained as a larva (the "terminal addition" theory), or new larval stages became "intercalated" into the ancestral holobenthic life cycle in several lineages.
2008b), which is a holobenthic species, in which it is relatively straightforward to obtain known-age individuals because there is no pelagic stage.
The second proposal for the origin of the pelago-benthic life cycle, the intercalation hypothesis, reconstructs the first bilaterians as holobenthic organisms.
The basic patterns in reproductive strategies of marine benthic invertebrates include holobenthic cycles, with (a) direct larval development and no pelagic larval phase; (b) completely pelagic cycles and (c) pelagic-benthic cycles where larval development is mixed.