hit the hay

Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms.
Related to hit the hay: hit the sack, Idioms, knows the ropes
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.hit the hay - prepare for sleephit the hay - prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
bed down, bunk down - go to bed; "We bedded down at midnight"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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No matter how sparkly clean your mouth is when you hit the hay, bacteria can still find abundant particles to feast on, including mucus, since there's little saliva production during sleep to sweep them away.
The fix: Dim the lights in your home, and turn off all screens and tech tools at least an hour before you plan to hit the hay.
Then make sure you avoid these foods before you hit the hay
The session capped our evening before we finally hit the hay inside our spacious room made of bamboo and wood.
They are usually the first to get up in the morning -- to cook for their kids and prepare them for school; they are also the last ones to hit the hay -- after washing the dishes or doing the laundry.
If you tend to forget everything as you dash to school, organize your stuff before you hit the hay. If you're indecisive, planning your outfit before bed can save you a lot of time and agony in the a.m., says Allison Gervais, therapist and owner of Marin Mental Wellness in San Rafael, Calif.
But the long day of cycling and sunshine means I'm ready to hit the hay after dinner.
Yesterday The Mirror revealed how back in 2014, Croydon-born Benny admitted using Twitter to find ladies to hit the hay with, sending out up to 20 tweets a day and bedding 200 women in one year alone.
It may sound counterproductive to hit the hay when you're working toward new goals, but research has found that getting quality shut-eye can help you stick to your resolutions.
And what time should you hit the hay? The most effective results came from those who clocked up eight hours of sleep - after going to bed at 10.10pm.
That means select outfits, pack bags and backpacks, and organise any paperwork before you hit the hay. Stock the fridge for health and convenience: It's always smart to have delicious and nutritious ingredients in your fridge like fresh fruits, veggies and eggs.