

(Zoology) a back leg of a quadruped
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Mirth never reigned there; there was never even a little bear-ball, with the storm for music, while the polar bears went on their hindlegs and showed off their steps.
Acupuncture in the treatment of back and hindleg pain in sport horses.
All fights were brief (8.37 s [+ or -] 2.72 (4-15 s, n = 8)), mutual, and consisted of fast hindleg kicks, bites, and tarsal pushes.
Foreleg sheath slightly exceeding to the basal margin of the abdominal segment 6, midleg sheath reaching the basal one-fifth of the abdominal segment 6, and hindleg sheath reaching the midlength of the abdominal segment 6.
The percentage protection was estimated by observing the number of animals showing abolition of Hindleg tonic extension (or) extension not >90[degrees].
Rattigan, "Local NOS inhibition impairs vascular and metabolic actions of insulin in rat hindleg muscle in vivo," American Journal of Physiology--Endocrinology and Metabolism, vol.
Meyrick (1905) defined Stachyotis, based on the head, hindleg, and wing venation characteristics.
Grooming sequences mostly started from antennal grooming followed by scraping antennal bases with ipsilateral foreleg and passing this foreleg through mouthparts and facultatively ended with midleg or/and hindleg grooming.
Head black, except mandible, clypeus, anterior region of face (more along orbits) and part of ventral side testaceous; antenna brown, except segment 1 testaceous; prothorax black, except posterior margin of pronotum testaceous; scutum dark testaceous, except anterior and posterior margin black; rest of mesosoma black; metasoma brown; foreleg brown, except tarsus testaceous; mid- and hindleg brown, except tarsal segments 1-4 testaceous.
The first sign was hindleg lameness, which quickly progressed to incoordination, fever, tremors, and bulging eyes.