highly infective

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Adj.1.highly infective - (of a microorganism) extremely infective; "a highly infective organism"
microorganism, micro-organism - any organism of microscopic size
virulent - infectious; having the ability to cause disease
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However, it seems at least plausible to suggest that, just maybe, CWD prions have resided in the soil for far longer than any of us realize but only became highly infective when we degraded our soil health to the point that there was not enough humic acid to destroy them.
Moreover, highly infective and destructive malware are emerging in succession, increasing the risk of serious cyber-pandemics on a global scale.
All seven Abiotrophia strains that caused endocarditis in people were highly infective in the rat model.
Regardless of who pays, if governments are truly serious about global health security against highly infective diseases, then substantial investment is required over and above that outlined by the GHSA.
He said that polio is a highly infective disease which attacks human nervous system causing paralyses and death adding that walks and seminars would also be arranged to create awareness in this regard.
(1) Humans, being an incidental host, contract the disease by ingesting highly infective eggs of adult echinococcus harboring in the small intestine of the definitive hosts like dogs and canine animals.
10.46% women were positive for HBsAg showing exposure to HBV and about 10% women in this HBsAg positive group were also positive for HBeAg showing highly infective stage with active replicating virus where chances of virus transmission to the newborn are almost 90% in pregnant women.
A PI calf is one that is infected in the womb before it can mount an immune response and so recognises the virus as 'self', these animals are highly infective and shed virus.
Also, medical universities should have screening and vaccination programmes for HBV as this virus is highly infective yet has an effective and safe vaccine available.

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