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Noun1.hematocolpometra - accumulation of blood in the vagina and uterus
disorder, upset - a physical condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning; "the doctor prescribed some medicine for the disorder"; "everyone gets stomach upsets from time to time"
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References in periodicals archive ?
In addition, women with cGVHD may develop intrauterine adhesions that should be closely monitored by pelvic exam and ultrasonography during the first months of HRT, to avoid unpleasant complications such as hematocolpometra [36-38].
di Carlo et al., "Estrogen-progestogen induced hematocolpometra following allogeneic stem cell transplant," Gynecologic Oncology, vol.
Bonnefoi, "Vaginal stenosis with hematocolpometra, complicating chronic graft versus host disease," European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, vol.