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1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) the practice among certain peoples of removing the heads of slain enemies and preserving them as trophies
2. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) the recruitment, esp through an agency, of executives from one company to another, often rival, company
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) slang US the destruction or neutralization of political opponents
ˈhead-ˌhunter n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Head-hunting, cannibal beast of a human that was as much ape as human, nevertheless Old Ngurn had, according to his lights, played squarer than square.
At the same instant Muda Saffir with fifty of his head-hunting Dyaks emerged from the jungle east of the camp, bent on discovering the whereabouts of the girl the Malay sought and bearing her away to his savage court far within the jungle fastness of his Bornean principality.
"I've seen a few unlikely things in these Solomons--rats two feet long, butterflies the Commissioner hunts with a shot-gun, ear-ornaments that would shame the devil, and head-hunting devils that make the devil look like an angel.
Five score of head-hunting cannibals on the fringe of the jungle, fifteen Su'u return blacks in the boat, seven black boat's crew, and a solitary white man with a cigar in his mouth, a rifle at his hip, and an Irish terrier bristling against his bare calf, kept the solemn pact of those ten seconds, and no one of them knew or guessed what the outcome would be.
THE board of Philippine Airlines will meet before the end of the month to discuss issues surrounding the flag carrier, including its head-hunting efforts for the next chief executive.
'Of having a certain mentality of coming into the league where you're literally head-hunting everyone.
So hats off to the dear old ECB - it takes some head-hunting to locate an Australian who knows when to keep his mouth shut.
That's the verdict of former Villa striker Andy Gray, who was responding to rumours that they are asking a head-hunting firm to recruit a football man to the boardroom.
"They only distort the image of Islam by presenting it as a head-hunting creed," Hashem exclaimed, "while Imam Sadr rejected all divisions and ostracism between Muslims, resolving the crisis lies in setting up a patriotic and all-ingathering government," he concluded.
Unnati Consultancy Services is a specialized service provider for dedicated head-hunting for unique staffing requirements for customer service teams through Top management decision making teams across Express, Freight, Banking & Financial, Engineering and Telecommunication Sectors.
He added: "It was a case of them head-hunting me for Take Me Out."