head register

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head register

One of the higher ranges of the voice in singing or speaking, including the falsetto. Also called head voice.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.head register - the higher ranges of the voice in speaking or singing; the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head
register - (music) the timbre that is characteristic of a certain range and manner of production of the human voice or of different pipe organ stops or of different musical instruments
falsetto - a male singing voice with artificially high tones in an upper register
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* There are three registers: chest register, middle register, and head register.
The gap which developed into a passaggio became almost unnoticeable when it moved into the easy and beautiful head register, and Patrick was able to sing in the tenor register as well as sing with the tone quality, or richness of a baritone.
Karen Hall identifies the use of register-dominance as the "defining difference between female music theater and classical singing," explaining "in the simplest terms," that female musical theater repertoire calls for more chest register, and classical repertoire calls for more head register." A training regimen that targets the understanding, development and coordination of registers will provide access to the entire range in a broad palette of dramatic colors.
"While using the head voice is fine for showing enthusiasm and excitement, avoid staying in 'head register' for too long.
Les eventually asked Lynne out for a drink and after six months of courting he proposed to Lynne on Christmas Day 1978 and they married the following June at Gates head Register Office.
Garcia designates by the name of the falsetto head register.
Articulatory diferences were noted between head register, modal register, and belting.
In terms of my own childhood crooning, I was maintaining a relatively contracted state of the thyroarytenoid muscle for extended periods of time, given the amount of time I spent in Ml "chest register." The contraction was alternated with intense stretching when I shifted from ABBA's "Take A Chance On Me" (centered around Bb4) to Olivia Newton-John's "Xanadu" (hitting a D6 in M2 "head register," at the end of the song), encouraging muscular adaptations to occur.
The head register, in the same manner and by the same vibrations, and with a partial closing of the vocal ligaments.
They suggested that for women, legit is cricothyroid (CT) or head register dominant, (13) while for men, it generally remains in chest or TA dominant production.
Large and Iwata found that the amount of air flow increased from chest to head register during their comparison study of vibrato and straight tones.